Purge (2025no.05)
Order (2025no.04)
Neglect (2025no.03)
Machine (2025no.02)
Lock (2025no.01)
Kid (2024no.25)
Jot (2024no.24)
Impact (2024no.23)
Honor (2024no.22)
Glow (2024no.21)
Fade (2024no.20)
Eddy (2024no.19)
Demand (2024no.18
Cluster (2024no.17)
Burden (2024no.16)
Alternate (2024no.15)
Zero (2024no.14)
yaw (2024no.13)
X-ray (2024no.12)
Wind (2024no.11)
Vent (2024no.10)
Umber (2024no.09)
Track (2024no.08)
Storm (2024no7)
Rain (2024no.06)
Query (2024no.05)
Pulse (2024no.04)
Orbit (2024no.03)
Notice (2024no.02)
Manifest (2024no.01)
Layer (2023no.31)
Ken (2023no.30)
Jumble (2023no.29)
Incline (2023no.28)
Harness (2023no.27)
Grant (2023no.26)
Freeze (2023no.25)
Edge (2023no.24)
Dance (2023no.23)
Channel (2023no.22)
Buttress (2023no.21)
Arc (2023no.20)
Zone (2023no.19)
Yield (2023no.18)
Waste (2023no.17)
Voice (2023no.16)
Urge (2023no.15)
Turn (2023no.14)
Sand (2023no.13)
Rust (2023no.12)
Quest (2023no.11)
Prize (2023no.10)
Offset (2023no.09)
Nest (2023no.08)
March (2023no.7)
Laugh (2023no.6)
Keep (2023no.5)
Judge (2023no.04)
Impact (2023no.03)
Harrow (2023no.02)
Gear (2023no.01)
Fissure (2022no.35)
Elapse (2022no.34)
Dust (2022no.33)
Cycle (2022no.32)
Blind: Composition 2022no.31
Anchor: Composition 2022no.30
Zealot [seamless dreams]
Yaw [deviant hues]
Xenophile [eyes of the earth]
Water [ripples with child and pelicans]
Three Movements
Train [fates on track]
Skew [the egret's shadow]
Ram [the limbs of memory]
Quest ["...or even the imperfect."]
Permutation [transposition with ball and cyborg]
Ortho, Meta, Para ["...both are transformed."]
Network [conspicuous obscurity]
Mesh ["...sweeping up the world..."]
Last [enduring survival]
Key [essential alignment]
Jest [planting the thorn]
Intrigue ["...the dupe of both."]
Host [so many genial victims!]
Glint ["...done and forgotten..."]
Fragment ["...not a fraction..."]
Echo ["...when death and grief were but words..."]
Dart [destiny feather]
Chain ["...the chains they revere."]
Barbs & Bait ["free cheddar"]
Air [e-air]
Whirl [tracing the time-whorl]
Vault [relics of our future]
Uplift [...and cast no shadow]
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