Echo ["...when death and grief were but words..."]:
Digital Composition 2022no.08
Digital Composition 2022no.08
Echo ["...when death and grief were but words..."]: Digital Composition 2022no.08 is a sequence of image files which develops from a set of stock photos and illustrations into layers of abstract patterned forms. The layers of pattern and form follow an underlying grid structure keyed to the overall format. The composition is open-ended. It would develop further along the shapes and lines of the Bezier curves extending beyond the current edges of the canvas. The quote is from the Introduction, 3rd edition, 1831, of Frankenstein by Mary Wollstoncraft Shelley: "...for it was the offspring of happy days, when grief and death were but words which found no true echo in my heart."
Below is a video presentation followed by a selection of still images from the composition's development thus far.
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Still Image Sequence

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