Urge (2023no.15)
Urge (2023no.15) is a sequence of interlocking still images and stop motion segments developed from digital photos and illustrations. The images are integrated with accordant audio tracks.
I composite stills into scenes and then tessellate the scenes into layers of patterned form. I allow the layered patterns to interact with one another other and evolve into an abstract composition. Compositions may remain abstract and open-ended, become cyclic or conclude with a pan-and-zoom back to the level of the scenes exploring the effect the interaction of patterns has had on the initial imagery.
Below is a video presentation of the image-sequence followed by a selection of still images from the composition's development thus far.
Thank you for viewing.
Still Image Sequence (selected images)

Resources and Attributions
3D Head by 8machine: Unsplash license https://unsplash.com/photos/gCkv8mnmxm8
3D Render by 8machine: Unsplash license https://unsplash.com/photos/GVAYgLlpeZ8
Portrait of a Girl by Bessi: Pixabay license
Character Disorder by chthoneec: Unsplash license https://unsplash.com/photos/rh_oytuGx5g
Girl on a Chair by Darkmoon_Art: Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/photos/girl-space-chair-lighting-mood-3726314/
Portrait of a Male Child by Leroy_Skalstad: Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/photos/portrait-child-male-looking-eyes-1601516/
Boy on a Chair by nael f: Unsplash liciense https://unsplash.com/photos/wT3mSWK5aqg
Stasis-Music for Space by Sondre Drakensson: CC-BY-4.0 (changes made to original)
Rogue Planet (mystery ambient) by Sondre Drakensson: CC-BY-4.0 (changes made to original)