Yield (2023no.18)
Yield (2023no.18) is a sequence of interlocking still images and stop motion segments developed from digital photos and illustrations. The images are integrated with accordant audio tracks. 
I composite stills into scenes and then tessellate the scenes into layers of patterned form. I allow the layered patterns to interact with one another other and evolve into an abstract composition. Compositions may remain abstract and open-ended, become cyclic or conclude with a pan-and-zoom back to the level of the scenes exploring the effect the interaction of patterns has had on the initial imagery.
Below is a video presentation of the image-sequence followed by a selection of still images from the composition's development thus far.
Thank you for viewing.

Selected Still Images

Resources and Attributions 
Knight, Armor, Sword and Shield by jean photosstock (jean52photosstock): Pixabay license 
Imaginary Machine by BusError: CC-Ø https://freesound.org/people/BusError/sounds/583828/ 
Mythic Fae by Dina Dee (DeeDee51): Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/illustrations/fae-fairy-girl-myth-wings-horns-2846925/ 
Skeleton Pointing by Dina Dee (DeeDee51): Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/illustrations/skeleton-bones-man-horror-scary-4844548/ 
Skeleton Leaning by Dina Dee (DeeDee51): Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/illustrations/skeleton-bones-man-horror-scary-4844552/ 
Skeleton Standing Looking Up by Dina Dee (DeeDee51): Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/illustrations/skeleton-bones-man-horror-scary-4844553/ 
Crusader by Gerhard Janson (Janson_G): Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/photos/knight-crusader-isolated-2939429/ 
Tunnel by Jérémie Perron: Pixabay liciense
Left Hand by Mugurel Photo: Pexels license https://www.pexels.com/photo/persons-left-hand-on-window-3723686/ 
Bones by OpenClipart-Vectors: Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/vectors/bones-dead-figure-halloween-human-2026187/ 
Knight in Armor by Wolfgang Eckert (anaterate): Pixabay license https://pixabay.com/illustrations/knight-armor-middle-ages-sword-7037577/
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