Wind (2024no.11)
Wind (2024no.11) is a stop motion video of images composited from digital photos, illustrations and drawings. The audio track is remixed from available music and sound effects.
Below is a video presentation of the image-sequence followed by a selection of still images from the composition's development thus far.
Thank you for viewing.
Still Image Selection

Resources and Attributions
Crime Scene by Alfred Grupstra: Pixabay content license
A-eolian Harp Prototype by Steven F. Allen (audiomirage): CC-BY-4.0 (Changes were made.)
Aeolian Harp in Deutsches Museum, Munich
by Burkhard_Mücke: CC-BY-4.0 (Changes were made.)
Abstract Art by edith lüthi (eluela31): Pixabay content license
Poulanbrone Dolman, Neolithic Portal Tomb, County Clare, 4th Millenium BCE
by K. Mitch Hodge: Unsplash license